Dear Mom, Let's sharpen the Child's Creativity from an Early Age

Hello mommies and Usagi Friends. I hope that you are always blessed, healthy, and also spirited to educate your children. In this article, we are gonna discuss things that can sharpen your children's creativity from an early age. Things that are easy and no need an expensive budget to do. You can practice it anywhere and anytime because this is not only applicable for children but also can be done by teenagers and adults. Let's discuss some things that can sharpen children's creativity from an early age with #UsagiDuaKelinci.
Let Them Imagine
One of the ways to train imagination for the children is to read them a book every day. Give them chances to pick the book they like. Involve them when you read it and ask them to participate in the story or guess the character. Besides sharpening imagination, reading them books will increase their vocabulary.
Creative Questions
Try to give them creative questions and push them to express verbally or nonverbally such as, ``Kid, try to tell me about how you play this." or "what is gonna happen if we forgot to close the water faucet?".
Observe Their Interest and Talent
Try to observe what your children like. Do they like drawing, piling the things up, doing sport, dancing, or other positive activities? After knowing their interest and talent, you can sharpen it from an early age.
Let Them Explore
Children are blessed by their high curiosity. Let them explore the world around them. Of course, you need to tell them that the fire is hot and able to harm them. You can show it to your children. You also need to be ready to ask their questions about anything.
Those are some things that can be done to stimulate their creativity from an early age. Not only for children but teenagers and adults are also able to sharpen creativity through the things that make you curious. With #TemanUsagi and #UsagiPuff, let's sharpen the creativity so we are gonna be the better and cleverer person.