The Positive Effect of Spending Time with The Loved One

Some people think if #selfquarantine at home is a boring thing because we can't meet or interact with other people. Self quarantine #dirumahaja is done according to the government policy to stop Coronavirus or covid-19 spreading in society. #socialdistancing or keeping the distance between individual is one of the action to prevent covid-19. Activities that involves crowds must be stopped for a while, including learning activity at school or working at office. As an exchange, #workfromhome and #belajardirumah policies are started to be done.
Even though you think your days when #selfquarantine are boring, but at least you can spend your time with your loved one #dirumahaja. There are so many activities that you can do with your loved one when #belajardirumah and #workfromhome. The presence of your loved one such as parents or siblings definitely will make your day colorful and bring positive effects. These are some positive effects of spending time with your loved one that you might not realise.
Getting Closer and Familiar with The Loved One
#belajardirumah and #workfromhome policies can be used by the family members that are usually busy with their own business to get close and build more harmonic relationship. Kids that usually go to school can ask a favor to their parents to teach them about the lesson and the parents can watch and monitor their children growth.
Drive The Stress Away and Prevent The Depression
With the loved one, you definitely are flexible to tell your problems to your father, mother, or even your brothers without fear or shame. You will get the solution to solve your problem. Your mind burden will decrease by telling the loved one and it could prevent the depression to happen and drive the stress away.
Smile Easily and Be Happier
Beloved one is a person that makes you comfortable to be who you truly are. You don't have to hold yourself because they are your close person and really know what you really are. You will smile oftenly even laugh with the loved one which indicates if you are happier.
Think Positively and Creatively
Activity #dirumahaja with your loved one will avoid you from negative thoughts, and vice versa, it will give you positive insights and new ideas. That idea is sometimes accidentally found when we do activity together such as dinner, movie time, or even cooking time.Thinking positively happens because we are surrounded by the people we love.
Based on the summary above, #selfquarantine activities that you think boring evidently has a lot of positive impacts especially with the presence of the loved one. A lot of positive activities that we can do with the loved one #dirumahaja won't be complete without snacks from Dua Kelinci. Dua Kelinci is here with various kinds of snacks. Start from roasted peanut, crispy bean, Garlic flavour peanut, Koro Original, Spicy Koro, Seaweed Koro, Sweet-spicy Presto Corn, Garlic Presto Corn, Polongmas Barbeque, Polongmas Onion Chicken , Polongmas Original, Mixed Peanuts, and Lofet Peanuts. Make sure you already prepare Dua Kelinci as #TemanKebersamaan at your home guys!