The Right Workout for The Active People During #dirumahaja

Coronavirus outbreak or Covid-19 has spread in Indonesia and made you have to be #dirumahaja and postpone your plan to go outside. It must be boring, right? Don't worry! Even you only #dirumahaja, you still can be active to do activities at home such as doing a workout. There are various perfect workouts that you can do #dirumahaja. Here we go:
1. Exercise
This simple workout that you can do #dirumahaja could train your body muscle strength. Push up can train the upper muscle, sit up trains your abdominal muscle, and pull up that could train your back, shoulders, and your arms muscles.
2. Aerobics
You can do aerobic #dirumahaja. Aerobic is like Zumba or acrobatic like gymnastics that consists of rolling forward and backward and etc. Those aerobics moves can train your body fitness and flexibility.
3. Cardio
Cardio is a sport that aims to strengthen the heart and lungs. You can do jogging #dirumahaja around your yard. If it's not large enough, you can use a treadmill to do it.
4. Yoga
Yoga is a workout that's quite difficult to do. One of the important moves that you could do #dirumahaja is the plank. Doing planks for a few minutes could burn calories in your body. Yoga is not only healthy for your body but for your mind as well.
5. Consuming Healthy Snacks after doing Workout
After doing a workout, you must be really tired and really want to eat. But you can't just eat anything you want because it will cause pain in your stomach. So, the best food to consume is healthy snacks. Deka Wafers!
Deka Wafers is a wafer snack from Dua Kelinci. There are Deka Love, Deka Crepes, Deka Wafer Roll, and Deka Jumbo. Not only that, but they also have various flavours such as chocolate, choco nut, choco banana, and many more. The taste is delicious, crunchy, and healthy! Deka Wafer contains vitamins, antioxidants, and flavonoids that could boost your mood and your health.
By doing workout #dirumahaja, you can still be active, right? You can choose the workout you like to do. Workout can make you healthier and fitter. Don't forget to provide Deka Wafer when you workout #dirumahaja because Deka Wafer is a healthy snack and suitable for you!