Competition Welcoming The Independence Day

It's not strange anymore where we enter the August Month where almost all the houses are installed by accessories related to Indonesian independence. You will easily find it in the gate, in front of the house, or even inside the house itself. Indonesian citizens are always excited and enthusiastic to welcome the independence day of this beloved country. Even in this pandemic situation, it's not wrong to discuss the excitement of the 17 August Celebration online, right? hahaha
Besides the house and environmental decoration, Independence Day of Indonesia usually is welcomed by various merry competitions. What are those?
Crackers Eating Competition
Who never joins this competition? Almost all ages definitely ever participated in this exciting competition. The purpose is not only to eat the crackers but also the effort to finish this competition in unusual circumstances. This becomes the value of this cracker eating competition that is usually found. A struggle. Just like our heroes that had fought and struggled to make Indonesia become Independent.
Greasy Pole Climbing Competition
This is it! The most awaited competition. It's because the prizes for this competition are always amazing. Sometimes they have bicycles as a prize. It's cool, right? The value of this competition is similar to the Cracker Eating Competition. A tireless struggle so we can achieve our goal. Have you ever joined this competition? What prize have you ever got from this?
Sack Race Competition
Indonesia not only has a car race or motor race but also a sack race. This competition to welcome the Indonesian Independence Day is not less exciting than others. It's the same as any other race but you must wear a sack to go to the finish line. Exciting, right?
Those are some competitions that usually can be found to welcome Indonesian Independence Day. Those exciting competitions are really unfortunate to miss. While welcoming Independence day, don't forget to prepare Dua Kelinci Peanut that always becomes #TemanKebersamaan anytime. By the way, which competitions have you ever joined?