Ramadan at Home? These are Things You Need to Concern

This Ramadan is different from last Ramadan because right now, We have to do quarantine at home during Ramadan. Yes. It's because of Covid-19. During Ramadan at home, you have to maintain your nutritional intake from what you eat. Don't let the nutritional intake that you get is putting you or even your family in danger. This Ramadan, you are having much time to cook your favourite food or your family. That's why you don't have to worry because this article is going to discuss things that you have to do during Ramadan at home!
Pay Attention to Food Intake
During ramadan, the body needs to still be energized. Prime health conditions make you fasting goes well till the end. You need to pay attention to carbohydrate, protein, and fiber intake. You also must drink enough water. So, when you do suhoor and fast-breaking, you must consume high nutritious food. Teman Usagi, it's not complete without providing a delicious snack containing high fiber of whole wheat. This snack is good to consume anytime so you don't have to worry about it.
Exercise Routinely
During Ramadan #dirumahaja, you need to do exercise routinely. Doing it on Ramadan is draining energy but this thing keeps your body and soul stronger. You don't need to do it every day but you can do it three times a week. So, don't get your body weaker guys!
Have Enough Rest
Even Though you do all activities #dirumahaja, you also need to have a rest. Enough rest and good quality of sleep will help you maintain your body endurance. So, do your job quietly and do everything on schedule that you have set before. It will not make your resting time messy.
Keeping in Touch thru Social Media
In this situation, goodwill visitation with others are still important even if we can directly meet them. That's why to anticipate this problem, we can keep doing it virtually thru phone calls, video calls, or messages. Besides that, you can send Teman Usagi's favourite snack to your close friends and families. During #dirumahaja, your relationship with the loved one must always be close and warm even separated by distance and time for a while.
Dearest Teman Usagi? Are you still not moving when #dirumahaja and doing nothing? Let's start doing and taking our time well #dirumahaja . Don't let yourself be left behind and always provide a healthy snack to accompany your Ramadan at home, Usagi from Dua Kelinci.