Promo 9.9 of Deka Wafers #DekatDiHati for Dekaholic

Wow! It's September! Promo 9.9 os here to spoil your shopping desire. Promo 9.9 gives various interesting deals and thrifty promo this time. You that usually only get limited free delivery fees can get vouchers, multiple discounts, and the high price deductions in this Promo 9.9. It definitely can't be missed. Almost all of your subscribed stores give interesting deals such as promo, price deduction, voucher, cashback, etc.
It's the right moment for you who likes buying snacks online. Especially during this Covid-19 pandemic where you can't go outside and only count on your smartphone to shop. From various products available, flagship products from Dua Kelinci, Deka Wafers that #DekatDiHati also gives you things that are not less exciting and guaranteed not to make you feel worries-worries club. You can also get interesting prizes and other grand prizes if you are lucky. Let's push your luck to get interesting prizes from Deka Wafers! Special for you the loyal customers by following these terms and conditions below. Make sure you don't skip anything guys!
1. Buy Deka Mini Wafer Bites product in Dua Kelinci Official Store (Lazada, Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak)
2. Post your photo with Deka Mini Wafer Bites product on Instagram with finger heart pose and tag Deka Wafer DekatDiHati official account in @DekaWafers
3. The period of the event lasts from 8 to 30 September 2020
Those are the terms and conditions so you can be one of the lucky guys who get interesting prizes from Deka Wafers #DekatDiHati. Besides that, you will get a chance to win the grand prize of 500.000 IDR. It's quite good, right? You can buy an internet data package or more.
So, Are you sure if you want to skip this interesting deal from Deka Wafer? It's your loss if you skip this. Don't forget to buy Deka Mini Wafer Bites then post your picture with the terms and conditions above. Don't be missed! You can check other promos in the Dua Kelinci Official Account!