Peanut Snack Creation that You Must Try

Do you have a New Year's resolution that relates to cooking? If you do, this article will be really helpful to realize your resolution. This article will inform you about the peanut snack creation that you must try. You don't have to worry because peanut as the ingredient is the component that is easily found. You just need to buy a peanut snack from Dua Kelinci that has a lot of choices and the taste is delicious. This is also high-quality processed so its peanut quality is undoubted.
Spicy-Cheese Coated Peanut
The first peanut snack creation that you must try is Spicy-Cheese Coated Peanut. To make this recipe, you can buy Sukro. However, you need to add one more step in making this recipe because you need to remove the flour coating the Sukro. You also need Cheddar cheese, Egg, Salt, Sugar, Baking Powder, and oil. To make it, first, you need to mix sugar, egg, baking powder, and salt. Then, put the peanut to the dough and stir it well. Drain, and roll the peanut to the wheat flour and cheese powder, then sift it. The last step is to fry the peanut until it's cooked.
Peanut Sandwich
The next peanut snack creation that you must try is the peanut sandwich. You need wheat flour, fine granulated sugar, yeast, milk powder, butter, salt, and of course Sukro. To make it, mix the flour, milk powder, yeast, water, and egg. Then, add butter and fine salt. Make a round dough, fold it, and fill with Sukro peanut. Close the dough with a clean napkin and put it in the oven for 20 minutes. Voila! Peanut Sandwich is ready to serve.
Sukro from Dua Kelinci is definitely tasty to be eaten directly. But, if you want to make a peanut snack creation, you can make Sukro be those two snacks above. Sukro peanut is surely a perfect choice to be chosen as a favorite snack especially to chill. Enjoy it directly or make it as another delicious snack. Don't forget to prepare Sukro in your home and happy creating with Sukro!