Tips to Beat Boredom As A Bookworm

Hello! For those who are in #selfquarantine at home! It's been a month #dirumahaja and you might feel bored because you can't go anywhere or see anyone. If your activities beside #belajardirumah and #workfromhome is just laying down, you definitely will get bored easily. So, you must do another activities even #dirumahaja.
So what do you have in mind about activities to drive the boredom away? For you who are booklover or bookworm, the best activity to do during #selfquarantine is reading books. But, if you just read a book of course you will get bored sooner or later. Here are some tips for you, the bookworm to beat boredom.
Looking for Exciting Book Recommendation
Nowadays, we can find a lot of books that we can read but maybe only several titles that suit your taste. That's why it's really important to find exciting book recommendations from the internet. This will avoid you to get bored quickly and eventually stop reading that book.
Trying to Read Different Genres
If you are used to reading only one genre of reading book, then you need to try other genres that are no less exciting! You can try to read romantic genres in the first week, science fiction for the 2nd week, and try horror, fantasy, etc for the next week.
Imagining by Listening to Music
For the bookworm and the music aficionado, you can try to read the book while listening to music. You should choose the music that is suitable to the genre of the book you read so you can blend and experience and also imagine the plot of the book.
I hope the tips above can be beneficial for you the bookworm to beat the boredom #dirumahaja. To drive the boredom away when you read books, don't forget to prepare delicious snacks such as Tic Tac from Dua Kelinci. Tictac is available with various flavours such as Tictac Original, Tictac Rasa Pedas, Tictac Rasa Ayam Bawang, Tictac Rasa Sapi Panggang, Tictac Rasa Rumput Laut, and Tictac Mix. Make sure that you always provide Tictac as a beloved snack to accompany your reading time. Once you try Tictac, it's guaranteed that you won't stop.