Don't Go on Mudik, Eid #dirumahaja

Coronavirus outbreak or covid-19 for that happens for these last months is unsettling all the people in the world. As preventive steps to stop this virus spreading, society is asked to do #socialdistancing or keeping the distance between others, avoiding activities that involve a lot of people, wearing a mask when going outside the house, and always washing the hands using soap till it gets clean. Government calls the society to do #selfquarantine at their own home and prohibit any other activities that involves a lot of people, including Ramadan activities #dirumahaja.
The newest policy from the government is prohibiting going on Mudik that has been an Indonesian society culture during Eid. This thing refers to the rules that have been published by the Ministry of Health, Large-scale Social Restrictions or PSBB for several areas in Indonesia, especially the red zone. Mudik is a routine activity where people are going back to their hometown to see their family. For you who are coming from another town and can't go on Mudik to your hometown, you can do several Eid activities #dirumahaja
1. Watching Family-Themed Movie
Eid #dirumahaja becomes more exciting with spending time with family. You just need to set the family room and TV or laptop then you choose one of family-themed movies or islamic movies to watch on Eid.
2. Trying Various Games
Board games such as snake and ladder, monopoly, and checkers could fill the fun of your Eid this year. Don't forget to invite your family to join! Beside board games, you can also play games on your smartphone.
3. Cooking Opor Ayam and Ketupat
Eid is not complete without special food such as Opor Ayam and Ketupat. You can prepare the ingredients and cook together at home. Even though the taste is not as good as your parents in your hometown, the sense of togetherness still can be felt with your close person.
4. Doing a Phone Call or Video Call
The advancement of technology could make you not to worry about gathering with parents or other family members that are far away. You can do phone calls or video calls then you can say hi and greet your parents or families.
This Eid activities #dirumahaja won't be complete without snack from Dua Kelinci as #TemanKebersamaan. Dua Kelinci presents with various kinds of variants that you can choose such as Kacang Sangrai, Kacang Garing, Kacang Rasa Bawang, Koro Original, Koro Pedas, Koro Rumput Laut, Jagung Presto Pedas Manis, Jagung Presto Bawang, Polongmas Barbeque, Polongmas Ayam Bawang, Polongmas Original, Kacang Campur, and Kacang Lofet. Make sure that Dua Kelinci stocks are available as #TemanKebersamaan on your Eid activities!