Healthy Diet Tips #dirumahaja

Coronavirus outbreak or Covid-19 that spreads across the world including Indonesia makes the government implement the policy to stay at home. This makes some activities that we usually do outside can't be done the way it usually has. You must be boring to be #dirumahaja, right? Every day at home makes our body limp and not powered. We only sleep, eat, go to the restroom, study, work, and repeat. In a few days, you must be gaining more weight. So, how to keep our weight to be normal? For you who are on a diet by going to the gym, this is impossible to do. But, you don't have to worry because we are gonna give you diet tips when #dirumahaja.
1. Do Small Exercise #dirumahaja
Doing exercise doesn't have to be at the gym and have the supporting equipment. #dirumahaja you can do small exercises such as sit up, push up, squat jump, jumping jack, and up and down the stairs. Besides that, you could watch gymnastics or yogas videos at home.
2. Doing More Activities at #dirumahaja
If you are only lazing around and eating, it must be gaining more weight for you. That's why you need to do more activities such as sweeping or mopping the floor, doing the laundry manually, tidying up the room, and decorating your house.
3. Eat Healthy Foods.
You should utilize #dirumahaja policy to cook your healthy food menu. Try to reduce junk-foods and frieds since it contains a lot of oil. Diet can be done at home by fulfilling your daily calorie needs with fresh and healthy groceries.
4. Choose The Right Snack
Diet is identical to limiting the snacks we eat. But it's different with this snack, Sukro. Sukro is a healthy snack from Dua Kelinci that is available in various kinds and flavours. Sukro is available in coated peanuts, soybeans, and peas coated in crunchy flour with garlic, original, roasted corn, and barbeque flavours.
So this is it. The healthy diet tips #dirumahaja that you can do. Don't worry about getting bored because there are a lot of activities that you could do to support your diet programme. A healthy diet without having much pain because Sukro from Dua Kelinci that has various kinds of types and flavours. That's why provide Sukro at your home as snack supplies during #workfromhome #dirumahaja!