Tips of Healthy Life without Going Outside

Having a healthy life is what everybody wants. But, the pandemic of Coronavirus or Covid-19 that is happening now can't stop you from living a healthy life. You are still able to live healthily with #dirumahaja. Do you know what it needs to be done at home? Here are some tips to live healthily without going outside that you need to know.
1. Don't skip your eating time!
From breakfast to dinner, you need to eat on time. Do not eat late or even skip your eating time. The food that is consumed must be nutritive and balanced. You also need to consume vitamins if it's needed. okay?
2. Move your body!
Because you are #dirumahaja, you are free to wake up late and laze around. But, don't do that. You can clean your house, start from sweeping, mopping, gardening, and you can do work out. The important thing is you just need to do it #dirumahaja, okay!
3. Taking Care of your Pet
You are also able to take care of your pet like cat, dog, hamster, and others. this activity could reduce your stress level so you could be healthier. Take care of your pet nicely, feed, and give them a proper place. Don't forget to play with them #dirumahaja!
4. Keep in Touch with Friends and Family
Even you need to do physical distancing, you still have to be in touch with your friends and family. You can contact them through cellphones, video calls, or social media. By maintaining communication, your mental health is always maintained.
5. Avoid Stress with Delicious Snack
If #dirumahaja already makes you bored, especially when you find a lot of worrying news and information about coronavirus, it must make you get more stressed out. But, those things could be avoided by consuming this delicious snack, Deka Wafers!
Deka Wafers is a delicious and crunchy wafer snack with a lot of flavours. There are chocolate flavour and its combinations such as choconut, choco banana, and many more. They also have a lot of kinds such as Deka Wafer Roll, Deka Crepes, Deka Jumbo, and Deka Love. This snack contains vitamins and nutritions that could boost your mood, health, and also reduce your stress.
So, you don't have to worry that you can't live healthy #dirumahaja! You just need to do these tips of living healthy above so you will be happier, healthier, and being spared from stress. Especially when you do those activities #dirumahaja with consuming Deka Wafers! A healthy snack that is always ready to accompany you when #dirumahaja.