Fascinating New Year's Parcel

Time flies by. We can hear the sound of new years approaching that is everywhere. What about your current resolution targets? I hope it's completed already. Have you been ready with the fascinating new year's parcel? The parcel is not only for showing off. Nowadays, it has become a medium to keep in touch with colleagues effectively. Sukro, one of the products from Dua Kelinci, can be an alternative for a fascinating new year's parcel. Who doesn't like snacking Sukro when chilling out, hanging out with friends, or family time? It's definitely addicting!

New Years Parcel

Sukro, a delicious peanut product from Dua Kelinci is really delicious! Sukro is available in various flavors. You just need to choose the flavor that is suitable for your friends, colleagues, or your family. There are soybean, Barbeque, Original, Peas, and also onion flavor. You can also send all the variants as the new year parcel. Unique and classy because all the products from Dua Kelinci are guaranteed its quality.

Sukro can be got easily because it's available anywhere. Every stall, market, till hypermart at the mall definitely provides Sukro. The price is also affordable so you don't need to worry about it since it's not that expensive to make this fascinating new year's parcel that you make yourself. If you are a busy person and get no time to do it, you can buy it in online stores and eCommerce.

The fascinating new year's parcel doesn't have to be expensive. The point is it must be unique, different, and useful. Sukro can fill all of those qualities. Let's create your ideal parcel by using Sukro. New Year will be warmer and memorable by the fascinating new year's parcel that you make yourself.

Celebrate the new year's eve in a new and unique way by the warmth of Sukro. Happy New Year everybody! Sukro is always there to accompany your day.